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Rickshaw puller Oil Painting


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Rickshaw puller Oil Painting

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Sold by :

Pavan N

Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh

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Product Details:

Rickshaw puller Oil Painting

The rickshaw rickshaw rickshaw began as a two or three began as a two or three began as a two or three-wheeled passenger cart, called a wheeled passenger cart, called a wheeled passenger cart, called a pulled 

rickshaw, generally pulled by one man with one pass rickshaw, generally pulled by one man with one passenger. T enger. The first known use he first known use 

of the term was in 1887.[1] of the term was in 1887.[1] Over time, Over time, Over time, cycle rickshaws cycle rickshaws cycle rickshaws, also called , also called , also called pedicabs pedicabs pedicabs,,,, auto 

rickshaws, rickshaws,,, electric rickshaws electric rickshaws electric rickshaws and solar rickshaws solar rickshaws solar rickshaws were invented. were invented. were invented. 

Pulled rickshaws created a popular form of transportation, and a source of tation, and a source of 

employment for male laborers, within employment for male laborers, within Asian cities in the 19th century. Their cities in the 19th century. Their 

popularity declined as cars, trains and other forms of transportation became 

widely available. widely available

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Maximum Retail Price (inclusive of all taxes) Rs.10000
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